ALAC is Transparency International India’s Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre providing free and legal advice & assistance to witnesses and victims of corruption. Offering a simple, credible and viable mechanism for citizens to pursue their corruption-related complaints, ALAC India empowers citizens in the fight against corruption. It also plays a critical role identifying corruption hotspots that demand reform or official action. Harnessing the powerful, real life data gathered by ALACs on the consequences and mechanisms of corruption, Transparency International India (TII)’s state chapters engage in strategic advocacy to bring about systemic change in public policy and practice.
Through telephone hotlines and walk-in centres ALAC helps citizens pursue corruption-related complaints. ALAC seeks to translate citizens’ concerns on corruption structural changes for better local and national governance. It pushes for specific administrative, institutional, legal and systematic changes.
Transparency International India (TII) started helpline in Delhi, Ranchi, Patna, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar and Bhopal to tackle these problems. The victims can directly lodge their complaints on these helpline number and these complaints are followed up by TII. This has been found as the simplest way of lodging the complaints by “poor” and “illiterate” people who have no saying anywhere else.
Case Handling Mechanism of ALAC:
Receive Complaint -> Request Documents/Make Appointment with Legal Advisor -> Provide legal/extralegal assistance -> Assist to draft and file complaint -> Advocacy -> Follow Up with Institutions -> Case Over
ALAC Helpline Numbers: