Transparency in Budgetary Process
An effective way to ensure that the citizen’s needs are given top priority in a democracy is by managing public resources and finances transparently and with accountability. The very essence of fiscal and budget transparency is providing ordinary citizens complete information about how public resources are allocated and used by the government.
Transparency in budgetary process is essential because it will lead to an improvement in delivery of important public services such as education, health etc. at both the union and state levels. Budget transparency will enhance public confidence in the government and will act as a deterrent to financial mismanagement and corrupt practices in the country.
It is in this context, that TII has launched the report to access whether the India has been able to make its budgetary process transparent, open and accountable. The sole purpose of the reports is to encourage various Governments particularly State Governments to make their budgetary systems more open, transparent, citizen-friendly, participative and inclusive.