Shambhu Dutta Memorial Lecture is an annual event held in the loving memory of Shri Shambhu Dutta (1918-2016), the founding father of Transparency International India. He conceived the indigenous organization, guided its operation, steered it through difficulties, and made a lasting contribution in the direction of combating corruption and seeking good governance. Shri Shambhu Dutta was a well known Gandhian and long time social worker, who while in public service found that corruption is the biggest impediment to progress and political corruption as the mother of all corruption and so undertook the task of political reforms with an agenda to “Bring in Ethics and Probity in Public Life for Good Governance”. He conceived the indigenous organization, guided its operation, steered it through difficulties, and made a lasting contribution in the direction of combating corruption and seeking good governance.

The first lecture in 2017 was delivered by Prof. Jagdeep Chhokar, followed by the second lecture in 2018 delivered by Former Chief Election Commissioner- Dr. S.Y. Quraishi.

Shambhu Dutta Annual Lecture