State Transparency Report

TII has conceptualized this exhaustive analysis of the implementation and success of Right to Information Act, 2005 across the 28 States (Telangana State Information Commission has not yet started functioning) and the Central Information Commission.

The report forms India’s most comprehensive and verified data set, making it one of its kinds, relying solely on primary data (RTI Applications and comprehensive analysis of data). The empirical data makes this report a powerful tool that can help measure a State Information Commission’s adherence to the RTI Act in respective States, and paves way for informed policy debates, both within and across States.

Our hope is that this publication, anchored in actual experience will help in identifying the strengths and weaknesses in each of the 28 states (excluding Telangana, though SIC has been constituted but is yet to start functioning) and acts as an eye opener in strengthening of the RTI Act.

State-Transparency-Report 2017 (First Edition)

State Transparency Report 2018

State Transparency Report 2020