Press Release – State Transparency Report 2022

Press Note Hindi – RTI Day – 17 Year Journey

Lokayuktas in India Report 2020

Press Release (English) Working of Lokayukta (State Level Ombudsman) in Indian States

Press Release (Hindi) लोकपाल तथा लोकायुक्त पर रिपोर्ट

State Transparency Report on the eve of RTI Day (12th October)

Press Release (Hindi)-RTI Day 15 Year Journey

Press Release (English)- State Transparency Report 2020

Press Release (English)-Transparency in Budgetary Process in India: Rank of Indian States 2020

Press Release (English)-Protection of Human Rights in India: Report on the occasion of Human Rights Day

Press Release (English)-Protection of Human Rights in India: Report on the occasion of Human Rights Day

HINDI Press Release as on 9th Dec, 2019

India Corruption Survey 2019 Press Release

STR 2019 Press Release English

STR 2019 Press Release Hindi

Press Release (English)- Transparency in Budgetary Process 2 (1)

Press Release (Hindi)- Transparency in Budgetary Process 2 (2)

Press Release- English Lokyukta Report 2018

Press Release- Hindi Lokyukta Report 2018

Press Release- India Corruption Survey 2018

Press Release- State Transparency Report 2018